Information Disclaimer: The pages following show unofficial calendrical information.
Whereas every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information presented,
there may be errors and omissions.
The entire risk as to results and performance of the information rests with the user.

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Author: H.Vogel

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We hope to continually be expanding the choice of countries covered by our calendars and make them a useful planning tool for international travel.

We have two types of calendar for several countries. That is a current one, and a select-type calendar where the user can request a calendar of a past or future year and month. Such can be of interest also to historians.

Countries are listed below under their international identifier-decal for motor vehicles. That is,
A=Österreich (Austria); CDN=Canada; CH=Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera; D=Deutschland (Germany); E=Expaña (Spain); F=France; GB = UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; IRL = Republic of Ireland; USA=United States.
Interested in the national flags and decals?... click here, then scroll to the bottom of that page.

Make a selection:
CountryCurrent calendarSelect-type calendar
Agegenwärtiger Kalender immerwährender Kalender
CDNCurrent calendar Perpetual calendar
CHgegenwärtiger Kalender
calendrier présent
immerwährender Kalender
calendrier perpetuel
Dgegenwärtiger Kalender immerwährender Kalender
Ecalendrio actual calendrio continuo
Fcalendrier présent calendrier perpetuel
GBCurrent calendar Perpetual calendar
IRLCurrent calendar Perpetual calendar
USACurrent calendar Perpetual calendar

Calendrical Comments

For information on the calendrical basis and method of our computation, check Calendrical Comments above.

Check at the bottom of each calendar page for a link to the comment page on holidays for that country.

Sunday is shown as last day of the week, as customary by international convention. Also, the common era (A.D.) has started on Monday, 1 Jan. 0001, which is the point of origin of our Gregorian Calendar, when calculated back from any given day.

All major holidays are marked in our calendar, particularly those important to be known to the traveler.

Citation of a date in our comments is in international notation. That is day.month.year as in 21.07.97 or 21.07.1997, denoting 21 July 1997. There are no slashes ( / ).

Rev. 19.07.01 to correct for changes in JavaScript affecting most recent browsers. The results seem now correct for all browsers tested.