[Flag]Quick Ido Pronunciation Guide

Ido uses the 26 letters of the English alphabet, without accents or other marks.
The vowels are:
a pronounced as in father,
e pronounced as in veil,
i pronounced as in machine,
o pronounced as in soul,
u pronounced as in rule.
The southern English tendency to diphthongize the vowels should be avoided.
There are two diphthongs in Ido: au pronounced as the ow in cow, and eu pronounced "eh-oo".

The consonants b, d, f, k, l, m, n, p, v, w, x, z are pronounced as in English, except that x has the "ks" sound even at the start of a word (very rare). The others are:
c pronounced as the ts in cats,
g pronounced as in give,
h pronounced as in have,
j pronounced either as in jolly, or as the s in pleasure,
r should be trilled as in Scottish speech or in Spanish,
s pronounced as in same,
t pronounced as in take,
y pronounced as in yacht.
The letter q appears only in the combination qu, and that combination is pronounced as in queen.
There are two digraphs: ch pronounced as in cheap, and sh pronounced as in shout.

The stress in a word falls on the last but one syllable, except:
(1) In infinitives it falls on the last syllable: pensar,
(2) In polysyllabic roots, i or u immediately before a vowel cannot take the stress: familio.

Specially prepared by James Chandler.

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